Customize HR Process Workbench (PUST)


I hope most of you have heard about PUST transaction. This is convinient  tool to build payroll close process. It’s idea is a chain of steps build from programms that we use in payroll close procedure. We can set variants for each program, build them in a sequence and run all at once (or step by step autmatically). User all needs is to hit Run button and watch it. While it’s running it will show logs for each step/programm and user will understand possible issues with easy.

There is no need to explain all customizing in detail as it’s pretty simple. At first setup Workflow as some particular elements use it for notifications. To do this run though SAP Note 133182 – Process Manager: No process is started.  Program starts – event fires. Program stops – event fires. It allows to run several programms in parallel and use workflows for example to payroll agreements.

For a user it will look like.


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SAP Scripting

Small instruction about SAP scripting.

Activate SAP Scripting in GUI settings (SAP Logon settings).

Open SAP and hit “Record macro” in GUI menu. Run all needed steps and stop recording.

As a result you’ll get file with script. For example I’ve a script of creating 0015 infotype record:

If Not IsObject(application) Then
Set SapGuiAuto = GetObject(“SAPGUI”)
Set application = SapGuiAuto.GetScriptingEngine
End If
If Not IsObject(connection) Then
Set connection = application.Children(0)
End If
If Not IsObject(session) Then
Set session = connection.Children(0)
End If
If IsObject(WScript) Then
WScript.ConnectObject session, “on”
WScript.ConnectObject application, “on”
End If
session.findById(“wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd”).text = “pa30”
session.findById(“wnd[0]”).sendVKey 0
session.findById(“wnd[0]/usr/subSUBSCR_PERNR:SAPMP50A:0110/ctxtRP50G-PERNR”).text = “609”
session.findById(“wnd[0]”).sendVKey 0
session.findById(“wnd[0]/usr/tabsMENU_TABSTRIP/tabpTAB01/ssubSUBSCR_MENU:SAPMP50A:0400/subSUBSCR_ITKEYS:SAPMP50A:0350/ctxtRP50G-CHOIC”).text = “15”
session.findById(“wnd[0]/usr/tabsMENU_TABSTRIP/tabpTAB01/ssubSUBSCR_MENU:SAPMP50A:0400/subSUBSCR_ITKEYS:SAPMP50A:0350/ctxtRP50G-SUBTY”).text = “0030”
session.findById(“wnd[0]/usr/tabsMENU_TABSTRIP/tabpTAB01/ssubSUBSCR_MENU:SAPMP50A:0400/subSUBSCR_TIME:SAPMP50A:0330/ctxtRP50G-BEGDA”).text = “100914”
session.findById(“wnd[0]/usr/tabsMENU_TABSTRIP/tabpTAB01/ssubSUBSCR_MENU:SAPMP50A:0400/subSUBSCR_ITKEYS:SAPMP50A:0350/ctxtRP50G-SUBTY”).caretPosition = 4
session.findById(“wnd[0]/usr/txtQ0015-BETRG”).text = “11”
session.findById(“wnd[0]/usr/txtQ0015-BETRG”).caretPosition = 18
session.findById(“wnd[0]”).sendVKey 11

Then you can put this script as VBA macro into MS Excel, handle it in a right manner (i.e. make a cycle) and automate you regular tasks or data upload/ mass change.

Important: scripting doesn’t understand system errors, system messages. eCATT and SAP Personas understand.

SAP Innovation Discovery


Just recently I’ve found a new service from SAP: Innovation Discovery. THe service allows to find new functions in SAP very quickly, like EhP or AddOns. Plus you can find all functions that are in any EhP that is convenient.

Direct link:

Or you can find it: and there is orange button on the top “Innovation Discovery”.

ArchiveLink permissions

Did you know that ArchiveLink could work with HCM authorizations and P_ORGIN permission object? Citate: “With correct set system documents could be attached to any infotype and access to them will be granted by infotype authorizations. Thus if you attach scans to infotype 21 only users with access to 21st infotype will see them”. (?) WHITE PAPER SAP Employee File Management. So, ArchilvLink permissions could use regular SAP permission role objects without any additional customization which is great!

I’ve never used this trick cause all documents were assigned to personnel number and 2 infotype. Nice and free solution.

White paper – An Introduction to SAP Employee File Management-1

User Training: useful questions

Opening a new column “Useful questions”. These are questions that consultant, project manager should answer to solve task to a good quality. As you know the right question has half an answer. Your comments and additions are always welcomed.

User Training. What is needed to accomplish user training successfully? It’s essential to develop a number of documents which will define how future training will flow in the project. These documents are:

  • Training strategy/concept/approach. Answers on a question: «How to train?»
  • Training schedule. Answers on question: «When to train?»
  • Training plan. Answers on question: «What to train?»

Training strategy:

  1. How to train? In person/remotely.
  2. How to control training quality? Tests/performance review?
  3. How to ensure that people remember what and how to perform in system in test or live run?
  4. How to provide access to training documents? Shared folders/portal/email/etc?
  5. How to provide right user manual during operation in system quickly?
  6. How to maintain and update user manuals during a project or support phase?
  7. Who changes user manuals when system or business changes?
  8. How to inform users when user manual changes?
  9. How deep and detailed should training documents and user manuals be?
  10. How to show methodology in user manuals?
  11. What is a structure of training documents?
  12. How to form training documents: by process steps, by processes, by business functions, by roles, combined?
  13. How to run training in person? Who is a teacher, who assists? Is there an approach to train key users that they would train end users?
  14. Who records user questions during training?
  15. How are users informed of answers to their questions that were asked on training?
  16. Who prepares training systems, classes, infrastructure?
  17. Who and how creates users for training?
  18. Who should be trained?
  19. Should you track attendance on the training? What for?

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Resume parsing

Want to talk about?

It’s a boring time for a recruiter. SAP knows well how to it his job, there is nothing to do about. Position requests from managers are being processed themselves, posted to internal and external web-portals or agencies. Feedbacks are being sent back to managers by themselves and automatically. Everything is integrated. CV is being read from email, parsed to bones and stored in candidate database. Interviews are being initiated from a mobile phone, rooms are reserved. Boring, no fun at all.

Everything is clear except CV. We know every resume is made of a typical skeleton, where is personal info, contacts, work experience. Every part could be formalized, parsed to its components and analyzed by a number of factors and variants of appearance.

We understand that First and Last names could match file name, never is written with punctuation characters, always start with a capital letter or are all capital and resides in the top part of a doc.

We also understand that contact phone number has fixed number of digits, patterns are also well known and it’s placed somewhere by name or e-mail address.

We understand that work experience is a consequence of the same type blocks with company, period, position and job functions specification. It’s just a table which can be retrieved from CV somehow. Let’s say exported in XML format, where we can easily find repeating elements that appear more than once.

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Types of testing


Let’s agreed about SAP testing types.

Component test. It’s a test of specific function or setting. For example, wage type calculation, enter data into infotype, run report. It’s a process step.

Functional test. It’s a test of a process with several steps. Time report (enter time date, run time evaluation, run time report).

Integration test. It’s a test of contiguous processes, processes passing through different modules. For example, fire with final payroll run, payroll with postings.

User acceptance test. It’s a user test, who accepts the system.  It’s a complex test, that covers elements of component, functional and integration test depending on user role.

Regression test. It’s a test of already implemented and production functionality after any system change. Is needed to verify that nothing was broken after system change. Under system change we should understand customizing, ABAP, system update or upgrade or any other changes. For example, payroll rule was changed, tax base could affect other wages.

Stress test (load test). It’s a test of system under high load or high pressure. Let’s say we need to understand system response time when 10, 50, 500, 10 000 users will enter the system for any operation.

What’ve I missed?