FAQ. What SAP learning materials to use

It’s a good question where to start when you enter SAP market. The easiest way is to go to SAP official courses at https://www.sap.com/training-certification/course-directory.html But also it’s the most expensive way. So, let me share some thoughts on my reader’s question – where to start with good SAP learning materials for free?

If you want to go for some private courses, feel free to contact me – I have something for you!


What resources would you recommend to learn SAP? I’m interested in technical architecture, testing, courses.


Personally, I learn SAP on these free resources:

Great SAP licensing news


Have you heard that great news from SAPPHIRE? Right away SAP told they’ll allow access to your SAP data in read-only mode without additional licenses or another license which could cost less than regular named user or employee user license?

Is not it great for 3rd party developers to download data from SAP and provide a user-friendly portal solution or mobile app for employees? There are tons of customers who don’t want to pay for ESS but would like to share paystubs or leave overview for their employees through digital!

Here is the link http://news.sap.com/sappire-now-modern-pricing-modern-times/