SAP Innovation Discovery


Just recently I’ve found a new service from SAP: Innovation Discovery. THe service allows to find new functions in SAP very quickly, like EhP or AddOns. Plus you can find all functions that are in any EhP that is convenient.

Direct link:

Or you can find it: and there is orange button on the top “Innovation Discovery”.

Automatic PFCG roles assignment

There is a magic tool in the system that allows you to assign PFCG roles based on organization position. It means we can use org chart to say what roles and structure profiles to assign to users who holds that position. Let’s say for HR department we can assign role “HR Manager” and ALL structure profile. WHen somebody moves to HR department system will automatically assign that role and profile to him. The same if somebody leaves HR department role and profile will be revoked. There is no need to call IT to grant/revoke access. This is old mechanism, not very flexible, bo SOD control, but it works. New solution is SAP GRC.

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